Waterproof Polyfoam F/R™ Nylon Upright Body Positioner

SKU: PB-302SERIES Category:

Provides better positioning for AP chest x-rays taken with a portable unit at bedside, on litter or gurney.

  • Keeps body erect for AP and Lateral Projections
  • Reduces the risk of lordotic films
  • Allows lateral projections on the most difficult patients

Standard PolyFoam F/R™
Our regular Polyfoam F/R™ positioners are supportive yet comfortable. They are manufactured from special high density resilient 2 lb. estar foam which is functionally radiolucent and artifact free. They are plain foam, Not Upholstered or Coated. The high-friction surface eliminates slippage. These positioners are preferred for radiographic, fluoroscopic and other imaging uses.

Nylon Covered
Positioners are covered with quality lightweight waterproof blue nylon. Sewn seams are water resistant and functionally radiolucent. Positioner surfaces can be easily wiped clean. These positioners are functionally radiolucent making them an excellent choice for radiographic use, and recommended for radiographic use.

Additional information

Raw Foam, Waterproof Covering

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