Quality Products by Quality People
At AADCO, product quality begins with a company philosophy and a company culture. Whether it’s manufactured in our rural Vermont location or our Hong Kong shop, it’s the people who make the difference. And our people fuss over every product in a way that’s hard to describe, except to say that every product we make is cared for as if it were being hand delivered to a neighbor.
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[mid_heading_sec title=”Welcome to AADCO”]As a manufacturer, AADCO Medical expends a large amount of its resources on Product Development. Throughout our product lines you find evidence of this, from the new innovative and often patented products, to the subtle enhancements, to product quality and usability. We take pride in leading the way, in setting the standard high and always providing our customers with extraordinary products and service.[/mid_heading_sec]
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[one_full][mid_heading_sec title=”What’s New”][/one_full]
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[feature_box title=”XTrak™ 4.0 Release Coming Soon!” icon=”fa-heart-o”]Watch for the release of our new 4.0 version of X-Trak mobile apron tracking software by AADCO Medical.
X-Trak® is built for professionals by professionals.[/feature_box]
[one_fourth class=”col-sm-6 margin20″]
[feature_box title=”OptiSafe™ Disposable Eyeshields” icon=”fa-laptop”]OptiSafe™ protective eyeshields provide clean, economical, disposable eye protection that is readily available to pickup and go from our convenient dispenser box. Learn more today![/feature_box]
[one_fourth class=”col-sm-6 margin20″]
[feature_box title=”X-Trak™ Retrofitting Demo ” icon=”fa-code”]Retrofitting barcodes for use with X-Trak, our mobile apron tracking app is easy. Just how simple and easy is retrofitting x-ray radiation protective garments, like x-ray aprons and thyroid shields? Laura of AADCO Medical tells us how.[/feature_box]
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[feature_box title=”Universal Radial Entry Arm Board” icon=”fa-cogs”]
Universal Radial Entry Arm Board is Radiolucent & designed for all-purpose use, including procedures in which an image intensifier is used. Other than the pivot joint the armboard is constructed of all radiolucent materials, so that no metal parts should interfere with X-rays. .[/feature_box]
[one_full][mid_heading_sec title=”Featured Products”][/one_full]
[mid_heading_sec title=”Clearance Sale”][/mid_heading_sec]
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[servicebox title=”Protective Curtain” icon=”fa-dollarsign”]Was $44,869
Now $3,652
[one_third class=”margin20″]
[servicebox title=”Tomographic Number Set” icon=”fa-dollarsign”]Was $467
NOW $200
[one_third class=”margin20″]
[servicebox title=”MRI Cart with Emergency Package” icon=”fa-dollarsign”]Was $3,927
NOW $3,200
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[counter icon=”fa-image” count=”7500″ title=”Projects Complete”][/counter]
[counter icon=”fa-users” count=”956″ title=”Happy Customers”][/counter]
[counter icon=”fa-clock-o” count=”1040″ title=”Hours Work”][/counter]
[counter icon=”fa-coffee” count=”569″ title=”Cups of tea”][/counter]
In Beijing a Cardiologist is shielded from medical radiation by our suspended shield. In Boston an Image Guided Therapy Lab uses our MRI-Safe® suspensions for all overhead equipment, from Surgical Lamps to LCD Screens. In Los Angeles a nurse prepares a patient for a long interventional procedure with our special gel pads that prevent pressure sores. In small town USA a Mobile MRI Van arrives with AADCO manufactured equipment on board.
There’s Something Different About AADCO
As a manufacturer, AADCO Medical expends a large amount of its resources on Product Development. Throughout our product lines you find evidence of this, from the new innovative and often patented products, to the subtle enhancements to product quality and usability that we make. We take pride in leading the way, in setting a higher standard and always providing our customers with extraordinary products and service.
AADCO Medical in the News
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[accordion_item title=”Company: AADCO Medical, Inc.” icon=”fa-desktop” open]
Founded: 1985
Facilities: Sales Offices, Design, Engineering, Manufacturing and Distribution in the USA
Headquarters: Catamount Commercial Park
Box 410, 2279 Vermont Route 66
Randolph, Vermont 05060 USA
Sales: 800-225-9014
Offices: 802-728-3400
Fax: 802-728-3107
Email: info@aadcomed.com Web: www.aadcomed.com.